Empower tools ● 22 August 2023

Employment Law in Australia – An Overview

This Emplawyer Empower Tool is designed for start-ups, complete novices, or those new to operating in Australia. It will help point you in the right direction when navigating through the myriad of legal and procedural issues that exist within Australian workplaces, but we strongly encourage you to seek our expert legal advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

In Australia, employees have many rights and entitlements. Employers have legal obligations to ensure that these rights are afforded and entitlements met. The ramifications for employers who do not comply with their obligations to their employees can be significant.

This guide explores:

  • Types of employment
  • Enterprise agreements
  • National Employment Standards (NES)
  • MInimum terms and conditions
  • Workplace policies
  • Workplace health and safety
  • Workers’ compensation insurance
  • Record-keeping
  • Privacy
  • Discrimination
  • Misrepresentation and misleading & deceptive conduct
  • Appointment
  • Commencement
  • Review
  • Summary dismissal
  • Warnings
  • The reason for termination
  • On dismissal
  • Unfair dismissal
  • General protections
  • Resignation
  • Redundancy

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